

Science is open to interpretation. The only people who act like it’s absolute are people trying to take away you’re right to understand and challenge things for yourself.

This is why “scientific fact” is an oxymoron, as science is fundamentally provisional and offers nothing more than temporary conclusions.

To me, science simply refers to the scientific method. I love science as a method.

I also appreciate the the technology and understandings that science has helped produce.

But I absolutely hate the monolith that popular science has become.


For most, science refers to the bodies of work produced by people using the scientific method to the best of their ability. I don’t have a problem with that.

But for many, science has evolved beyond a method for empirically verifying information to entire philosophies bordering on religions. “If science concludes something, then it is so” is a common belief, against all morality or reason.

My problem with this is that we have an authoritarian society where “doing what’s best with regards to the truth” is substituted for arbitrary rule, while the truth is arbitrarily determined by rulers and their advisors.


Whenever you concentrate and centralize authority, it’s much easier to corrupt. And whenever you centralize authority over the truth, it’s very difficult to challenge publicly if it becomes corrupt.

And that’s what’s happened today. Scientists aren’t allowed to study what they’d like, and they aren’t allowed to have their conclusions honestly represented because that’s not what the people with money to fund research want.

They want justifications for whatever they are doing.


So within science, there’s this sort of rift between artists and sellouts. People who want to do science for the good of humanity getting snuffed out and silenced by people who just want to play the game, give the rulers what they want, and enjoy the socioeconomic success of being a successful scientist.

The former, while surely not afraid of a healthy debate, is very open to diverse perspectives. The latter uses science as nothing more than a tool to gain and benefit from socioeconomic authority.


This section will cover science philosophy as well as some relevant basics of major subjects.

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