Much of political discourse over the course of my entire life has been performative. People who would never really do much other than vote one of two ways acting like the most important thing in the world is that we vote the way they tell us to.
There are a few steps you need to take to evolve from internet propaganda bot to real human helping real humans. These steps are true regardless of what movement you plan to join , and but are requirements to become a member of the reconstructivist movement.
Even still, we want to help you put your best foot forward. Here are the first steps to breaking free of victimized citizenship and actually having an impact on your reality;
From Victims to Victors
Being a victim is too passive for activism. The only place where you want to consider yourself a victim is in the court of an oppressive state.
Outside of that, you need to recognize that victim psychology defers all of the power to improve your situation to other people.
You should have safe spaces where you can feel free without worry. However, you shouldn’t expect any public interactions to be a safe space.
Victim psychology increases the risk of harm just so you can feel like you’re not at fault for what happens to you. However, you are more at fault for what happens to you as an adult than anyone else is.
Do not be stupid just because you are entitled to be.
This isn’t saying that abusers aren’t responsible for their own actions. Just that you can’t trust any system to hold them accountable before they harm you.
If you take on passive victim psychology as an activist, you will be derailed by the nearly inevitable harm people are going to try to cause you.
Victims don’t win wars.
Turn On Your Damn Brain
The first next step to becoming a reconstructivist activist is reconstructing your own perspective around your ability to provide real value, not just knowing and regurgitating the “correct” perspectives answers for clout.
While we’re happy to guide people who want to help humanity, the most important thing you can do is get out of this perspective where you need people to tell you how to be useful.
We all share the same reality. You could understand it and determine a course of action for yourself.
You have the ability to figure things out. You have the ability to recognize and solve problems without anyone ever knowing that a problem existed.
The infinite abundance of symbiosis is replaced with zero-sum scarcity that keeps us mindlessly competing even when there is more than enough to go around.
Before you get involved with reconstructivism or any other movement, do a deep personal inventory and think of why you’re doing it. If you’re not willing to put the whole above yourself , you’re not actually willing to helpwhen it counts, you need to make that clear so organizers can plan accodingly.